elijah mikaelson oc wife fanfiction

He wants to know why Hayley isn't answering her phone just then Rebekah and Marcel enter. Elijah has died 6 times on the show and Alaric has died 8 times on the show. Give him a break. everything was going well until another massacre started but what the new group of killers knew was that they are now dealing with four vampires who would do anything to protect each other. I meant what I said about my feelings for you. Elijah quickly recovered, attacking Finn and prepared to kill him, telling his brother that he hoped his next life would be longer. Elijah tells him it's good to have him back, and tells him that Niklaus was beside himself in Marcel's absence. They founded The Strix in hopes of bringing like-minded individuals together to create a new, better world. Klaus tried one last time to remind Elijah that they were kings that stood shoulder to shoulder throughout the ages, but Elijah proclaimed that Elijah Mikaelson was dead and snapped Klaus' neck. After attacking Esther for going after his daughter Hope, Klaus rescued Elijah and brought him back to the compound where he was incapacitated in an almost coma-like state, suffering from Esther's torture. When Marcel bit Kol with his fatal bite, Elijah jumped into the battle but was beaten down and also bitten by Marcel. During the ball, Elijah serves as the master of ceremony and leads the evening into a dance. When she was first taken from their mother Esther. Elijah, Hayley, and Klaus took the opportunity to flee. When he found Kol, his younger brother was furious over the idea that Finn would get a happy ending even after murdering him. Freya tells Elijah and Rebekah that Dahlia plans on attacking them on that night. Freya tells Elijah and Rebekah that she put a spell Klaus' paintings. He tells the witches to kill both Hayley and the baby, claiming he doesn't care either way. In Where Nothing Stays Buried, Elijah was met by requests from Kol and Marcel to help bring Davina back since Kol was forced to kill her by the Ancestors. She says Marcel can help them battle the Guerreras and tells him how bad it is in the Quarter and that Marcel didn't kill Klaus' baby and he should use Klaus against the wolves like the weapon he is. And they have sex for the first time. Klaus asked what if there was only darkness in death and Elijah assured him that they would face it together then, as always. But once she's of the age of 21 she's leaves home and travels the world to see what wonders it holds. Sometime later at the compound Elijah meets with Hayley and Rebekah. She was turned by her father about nine centuries ago after getting expelled from Hogwarts originally. He then wishes Jackson a wonderful evening and walks away. Jackson later arrives at the infirmary with Aiden's body. Rebekah leaves them and hides, while Elijah and Klaus are at each other. Choice | noun | an act of choosing between two or more possibilities. In The River in Reverse, in the Bayou Elijah is beginning to feel the affect of the werewolf venom given to him by his brother and is laying on a bed in the hut where Hayley found the bible with her family names. Before moving to New Orleans, he was in a romantic relationship with Katerina Petrova. As soon as Klaus shows up Elijah is ready to attack him. He presents himself as Alphonz Bellatunde Delgallo and that he now speaks for the witches of the French Quarter. That's until her father's death by the Volt. Elena junto a su primo Jeremy cuando el ataque de los vampiros se da en Mystic Falls, no es hasta la presencia de Katerina Petrova que Elena tiene que revelarle parte de la verdad sobre su familia y sus orgenes como doppelganger. Reluctantly, Hayley kisses the blood off of her finger to complete her transition. Avangaline Salvatore moved away whilst she and her brothers were still human. In 1492, they met a woman named Katerina Petrova, the first doppelgnger of Tatia. He looks at his hand and sees blood. He says he doesn't want to "unleash that shakespearean rage". Later, when Marcel returns home from World War I, he's greeted by both Elijah and Klaus. The three run toward them, so Monique and Abigail hold each other's hands and channel the ancestors' power to throw them backwards while Genevieve goes to find the knife. The two argued about Elijah's inaction until Klaus brought up that he was considering daggering Elijah and stacking him on top of Rebekah, revealing that she was already daggered, and the letters Elijah had been receiving from her were really from Klaus. Elijah tells him for now Hayley, Jackson and Hope are safe. Elijah is later seen helping the wounded. As a human, he wore more simplistic clothing, along with the other males in his family. Elijah then tells them about St. James Infirmary and tells Hayley to pack her things. Elijah goes back to St. Louis Cathedral. He believed he could have convinced Marcel to back down but Elijah defended his actions, telling him that it was the only way to protect them all. Elijah's status as co-king of the New Orleans vampires, and leader of the faction are now defunct, due to the werewolves' massacre, and the other factions turning on the vampires. While walking to Mary's, Elijah and Hayley discussed building a life together and Elijah was hopeful they could live a happy life together, possibly even in the bayou if he exchanged his suits for jean shorts. After awaking, he immediately went to Hayley's aid, who was holding off many vampires under the leadership of Alistair Duquesne. She's been deemed under protection by the almighty Klaus. However, it failed to and Finn died after finally beginning to see the love and loyalty the family had. He wants revenge for Elijah daggering him. Tristan explained that Lucien was targeting Elijah, so he could bring down Tristan and The Strix. He asked them why they would give their lives to avenge a fool and made it clear that he delivered his sireline into existence and he could pluck them out of it. Elijah then looks a little surprised about this. Due to his long existence, Elijah has seen countless battles and is very experienced in battle. Elena then asks why he killed the vampires who were going to take her and Elijah responds by saying that he didn't want her to be taken and then tries to make a deal with her to kill Klaus and keep her friends and family safe. Freya needs to promise Hope won't be harmed. Once Hayley is safe he starts looking for his sister but finds only some bloody wolf bodies. Elijah went to go move her coffin but Klaus revealed that he had moved her, never liking Elijah and Rebekah sharing secrets among themselves. Elijah sought vengeance against Agnes, though Klaus was already enacting his own brand of retribution. Klaus then says maybe Elijah should be daggered with every moment of affection he shows to Hayley and says that if that continues his child will grow up to call him father. He told Elijah that while he had planned on killing Klaus first, now that they were there, he would settle for Elijah. In Farewell to Storyville, the three siblings are seen at the Lafayette Cemetery at night and they've all shown their fangs, Elijah tells his sister to leave them both and she sees that he has brought the White Oak Stake, Klaus says he brought for her. This prompts Elijah to apologize for his past actions. Without his memories and thus free from his burden of "always and forever", Elijah had a more laid back personality, being far less formal and pompous, as well as being more capable of being happy, as he is enjoying his new life with Antoinette after choosing to leave the past behind. Elijah swore that if Marcel continued to get in the way of his little brother's redemption, he would deliver on him another kind of nightmare. Elijah tells them both he will do whatever he has to do to get his sister Rebekah back. Rebekah leaves the attic afterwards. And only two of the brothers shared another curse, the soulmate curse. He went on, telling him that when the family were all celebrating, he saw a future for everyone there except for himself and had realized his sole purpose of his long life was to save Klaus from himself, and now believed he had achieved that. And they need to move along with their plan on tricking Dahlia. She says everything has changed. Elijah, Klaus and Freya talk. Sophie and Elijah then reveal that the Werewolf girl Hayley Marshall is carrying Klaus' child. Later, Elijah learns from Hayley of the events that happened in the bayou. Aurora, furious, told him that she knew things that even Elijah and the other siblings didn't know about Klaus. After Elijah finds Hayley, he brings her to a shack deep into the Bayou where they meet with Klaus who shoves a dead hybrid away from him, professing her never sired him. Elijah told it was difficult time to be a witch and she died because of his brother, but also because of himself as he had abandoned his brother. Elijah then left Marcel trapped in the dungeon. Elijah reminded her that they were in a foreign land with customs far different than they knew. When Freya arrives they talk about their evil aunt Dahlia. Elijah appeals to her caring side, telling her that he'd help her control the magic that is consuming her life, promising that if she works with him, he would let her see his mother's book of spells. Elijah wanted to pursue Marcel so he could find out who he really was. She tells him that there won't be a peace if the werewolves aren't included. Her eyes widen at me as she gets up, her face reddening as she sends me a glare. They speak for a bit, but the effects of their encounter continue to ripple outward in New Orleans. She shares a connection with all the Mikaelsons but has a special A innocent girl, with no sins of her own, became a key part of the family filled with dark past and even darker secrets. As Rebekah glares into the room, she spies her sleeping brother who, to Rebekah's surprise, opens his eyes and stares at her. A mysterious man arrived first as they were setting the table. Elijah was disheartened that his brother hadn't changed, and Klaus told him to go back to where he came from, and that if he ever heard rumors of Mikael approach again, to just let him come. Hayley asks Elijah if he can ask Marcel about Brynne Deveraux as she was the one who cursed The Crescent Wolf Clan 20 years ago and she might have done it as Celeste, she then tells him he's sorry for choosing her instead of his siblings. He also took Gia, one of Marcel's vampires as his protg, and eventually began a romantic relationship with until Klaus killed her. Klaus considered to kill him but Elijah meant that negotiation is their best recourse, as Elijah knows how fast news can travel, but also the very horrors of war itself. Elijah kissed Katherine on the forehead and told her goodbye. Elijah then tried to persuade Klaus to spare her life, but Klaus told him not to bother and that the ritual would go on as planned. Klaus thanked Elijah for always trying to make him a better man but wanted to do it his way. Elijah and his half-brother Klaus both loved. Marcel promises Klaus he'll hand Elijah back to him after being saved by Klaus' hand from Katie. Elijah also is shown to be very protective of Rebekah, not letting anyone physically harm her. She continued this to try and get him to turn away from his immortal life as a vampire and accept her offer to be placed into a new body. Klaus wanted her to be sacrificed, but Elijah had started to have feelings for her. When Elijah comes to the Boarding House for the dinner party with Damon, Alaric, Jenna, Andie Star and John Gilbert, Elijah says if Damon tries to cross him Elijah will kill him and everyone else in the house. While waiting to meet with Rebekah at a quiet diner, a waitress accidentally spilled some coffee on Elijah's suit. Or this annoying. His hands trembling, Elijah was unable to pull the trigger. A while later at Elijah's apartment Klaus arrives. In Behind the Black Horizon, Elijah and Finn traveled to Mystic Falls after learning Lucien had betrayed them and taken Freya. Later, he finds Rebekah with the resurrected Genevieve. Klaus bitterly rejected his offer, considering his brother dead after what happened with Hayley. In The Five, Klaus and Rebekah told the story of The Originals' first encounter with the Brotherhood of the Five, explaining how Elijah and the others had been daggered back in the early 12th century. Elijah also had a connection to Serena Julia Vivian's family. Rebekah says that she didn't either and that she was sure it was Niklaus. After Elijah discovered that he was a vampire after losing his memories, he no longer respected human life. Later, while comforting him, he and Hayley slept together. Yells at her saying "Klaus will do whatever he has to do for Klaus". "She wanted to be left in peace. Elijah immediately questions why Tyler would come here. Marcel remained steadfast in his determination to resist them, and their need to be at the top, even when they were calling him family. Meanwhile, Monique and Abigail are still using their powers combined powers to channel the full strength of the ancestors, Elijah fights to get close enough to them to get the baby. In Gather Up the Killers, after spending five years asleep and linked to Klaus, Elijah was awoken after Hayley found the cure to Marcel's bite. Who knows what would happen to her if she falls in the hands of some vampires. Elijah listened while Tristan explained that Marcel was a potential recruit for The Strix. Klaus then came to the boy, named him Marcellus and brought him to the family, Elijah saw this and told his sister: "Perhaps there is hope for our brother after all". Freya gives them all a potion to drink so Dahlia won't be able to enter their minds. Cause who wouldn't want to see Elijah punish Elena in a way. Elijah takes a revolver and shoots Klaus, who groans in pain. Elijah grew increasingly annoyed by his guests' plans and infuriated after Aurora revealed she had Rebekah dropped to the bottom of the ocean. Physical demons overtake the metaphorical ones. He then looked over the wreckage of their dinner and remembered a similar image in his vision of the prophecy, verifying that the prophecy was still possibly true and looming over them. He works with her with their high positions in the French Quarter in order to keep a peaceful system between the supernatural creatures. Rebekah goes to Elijah's coffin and tries to pull the dagger out of him, but Davina pulls it back and throws Rebekah out of her room, using her powers. AnemoiaA nostalgic sense of longing for a past you yourself have never lived. Elijah told him he was there for Klaus, only infuriating Marcel further, prompting to viciously attack Elijah. It is unclear whether their relationship will have a future. Hayley notices something going on with Elijah and Gia. In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. Jackson interrupts them and asks if he can have a minute. When Davina starts to loose control over her power Elijah wants to consult with Sophie. Vincent joined them but when things between him and Dominic grew too hostile, Elijah snapped the necks of Dominic's allies before telling the enraged Vincent to leave them. Vampires dont respect them. It's the werewolf Eve. Elijah pondered her question and decided he'd have to find his own happiness now, re-affirming his love for Hayley before sleeping together. He reminded Aya that if she killed him she would die too, to which she acknowledged was true, at least for the time being. With little arguing about his mad plan all the originals agree and bury their mother. Later on, Elijah and Klaus are talking about Hope's security and Hayley intervenes, Hayley takes the decision to send they baby away from them to protect her, she says that they must first make New Orleans a safe place for the baby, Elijah disagree but comes to accept when Klaus tells him that they will make the baby pass for dead, he asks if Marcel kept up his charade. She explained that as long as Davina's spirit was caught between both their world and the ancestral plane, Freya could use her as a conduit to draw power from the Ancestors in order to make Lucien a regular vampire again. He attacks Klaus and Klaus stabs Elijah with Papa Tunde's Blade. But he said it was a meeting between kings and claimed he was also a king. Klaus said he had tried and broke down. When Elijah tried to talk to Hayley, she rebuffed him. They taste like hope." She also saw a young girl around her age, she's the one killing everyone. He is older than his half brother Niklaus, but is younger than his brother Finn, making him the second oldest sibling of the family. Sophie made Elijah promise that he wouldn't let Klaus kill Agnes and Elijah reluctantly agreed, promising to keep his word. So she can't save Mikael and use her magic. He went to Vincent to discuss a new strategy to keep the Hollow at bay since the Ancestors could no longer hold the force back. In I Love You, Goodbye, Elijah, Cami and Hope head back to New Orleans. Elijah brought her corpse to a shocked Esther hoping that she could save her. Elijah and Klaus sat and drink, until they saw Marcel and Rebekah to come, Klaus knew they were a pair, but Elijah told him not to cause trouble. He tells her that his brother always seems to get into trouble and she suggests he is the one that is always helping him.

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elijah mikaelson oc wife fanfiction