woman at the well sermon outline

But Jesus Himself IS the solution; He is the chair in illustration. Jesus extended grace to the Samaritan woman, which changed her. Amen. read more, Denomination: Thank you for being a vessel! Thats beside the point. Vs 8 Jesus sends All the disciples away. She was NOT an attractive picture; she was NOT someone that the average person would have had any desire to talk to: a rough looking, Samaritan, woman! But look deeper, and you'll realize it reveals a great deal about Jesus' character. vs 15 Like Nic, she still is thinking physical. John 4 Close Filters Scripture . We need to realize the importance of this; this was obviously no small thing, or Jesus would not have brought it up here. They scattered to the four winds. But as I walked away, it occurred to me that she was actually quite likely younger than I am, but she just looked much older than she was. Sermon Outline for "Jesus and the Woman at the Well" April 29, 2015 by Jared Sparks Leave a Comment You can listen to this sermon Here John 4:1-45 "Jesus and the Woman at the Well" Intro: Is Anyone To Far To Be Saved? The Book of John Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) was a Welsh evangelical minister who preached and taught in the Reformed tradition. He wouldnt have brought this up right here unless it was extremely important. The church grew by leaps and bounds. The woman at the well, 3rd Sunday in Lent Youre designed to crave. May He bless and use you there in a great way to His glory! Your email address will not be published. We were sharing from our Bible readings in a discipleship class one time, and my wife Cheryl shared that she was reading in Matthew about when Jesus was arrested, and the servant of the high priest had his ear cut off, and Jesus healed his ear (Matt. The Woman at the Well | A Sermon on John 4:1-42 by Steve Thomason | Feb 7, 2018 | podcast, sermons2018 This sermon is from the Come and See series through the Gospel of John at Easter Lutheran Church in 2018. WHY would people miss heaven? When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. (John 4:40-42). This is why the woman responds as she does: Are you asking me to forsake my fathers and come over to Mount Zion? Youd think Jesus would have said, Yes! By reaching out to the Samaritans, Jesus showed that his mission was to all people, not just the Jews. I was drinking, I was partying, I was destroying myself. One day, an unexpected opportunity came for him: a Russian Baptist shared with him the story of Jesus, and God touched his heart. And in the filling, may you have the energy to go out and live your God-given design. Thank you for this. From a Jewish perspective, there were three strikes against the woman at the well: 1. Romans 6:23 tells us: The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And this is exactly what Jesus went on to say that He could offer her. To make their journey shorter, they take the quickest route, through Samaria. I love diving into the Bible in this way. Reject strongholds (John 4:19-20) As this insightful conversation develops between Jesus and an immoral Samaritan woman, we learn about strongholds or obstacles that often prevent individuals and churches from experiencing true worship. You may have been just like the woman at the well just going through your daily routines, living life from one week to the next, from one paycheck to the next, from one weekend to the next but God is saying to you today, there is an opportunity for something more. No perfect diet, the fairy tale relationship, or getting to your goal weight will ever truly satisfy. To call someoneespecially a fellow-Jewwas a great insult. For example, they acknowledged as sacred Scripture only the Pentateuch [Genesis through Deuteronomy]. John 4:1-38, Denomination: Tired and thirsty, Jesus sat by Jacob's well while his disciples went to the village of Sychar, roughly a half-mile away, to buy food. 2. This passage from John about Jesus encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well just outside of Sychar is rich with messages and lessons for all who seek Jesus. Shawn, John 4:3-42, Denomination: You can know that you have the relationship with God that you have been looking and longing for all of your life, and which was meant to truly satisfy you. They were hated by the Jews because of this cultural mixing and because they had their own version of the Bible and their own temple on Mount Gerizim. To receive a free weekly sermon by email, please contact jonrmcleod@yahoo.com. It was about noon. According to the Jewish clock, this would be around 12 noon. Jesus said to her, Give me a drink. The Samaritan woman said to him, How is it that you, a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a woman of Samaria.. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. If He did it to the woman at the well , He can still do it to me. Jesus used the words living water to refer to eternal life, the gift that would satisfy her soul's desire: This living water was only available through him. Jesus revealshimselfas the Messiah to this woman first! In spite of her lack of understanding. Youd think that wouldve held them together. It is saying, I dont want to obey You; I want to do what I want to do! When you are saved, you admit that your choices to sin were wrong, and you come back to God to obey HIM as your Lord, the way He designed you to. (2020, November 7). John says, Jacobs well was there. Biblical Commentary (2 Kings 17:24, 29-31). When this was burned by the Jews c. 128 B.C. You may have come out here today just for a normal Sunday but Jesus has something much bigger in mind. Criswell John 4:28 9-20-70 7:30 p.m. On the radio you are sharing the services of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, and this is the pastor bringing the message entitled The Woman at the Well. God cares for the most insignificant of us. THE WOMAN AT THE WELL. Water REFRESHES and SATISFIES; so does salvation. Hymn Lists. You spread His love to everyone, you want to pass it on. Its Johns way of proclaiming the gospel to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see Jesus as Lord and Savior. It was a cycle that kept me stuck, living in my pain, a feeling that I hated but one that kept me safe. These people brought their own gods with them (2 Kings 17:29-31), but they added the worship of [the Lord] to their other practices (2 Kings 17:25, 28, 32-33, 41). Yet, simply adopting the faith of another is not enough. Their religion was also marked by a pronounced bitterness toward the Jews. Used by permission. But look deeper, and you'll realize it reveals a great deal about Jesus' character. You cannot be reconciled to God without repenting of your sins, because it was your sin that separated you from God in the first place. The Salvation Of A Samaritan Sinner But all of the sudden she had the opportunity to have eternal life! This is a woman who needs Jesus. They didnt drink from the same cup. Christian/Church Of Christ. That is the purpose of The Living Well to be a home to come and get filled. John 4:5-42, Denomination: The Woman at the Well Bible Story Study Guide. So I wonder what would happen if you sat for a while? What a good way to start my saturday. and drank of it himself, as did his children, and his livestock? ' So where do you get that living water? He had to wound her by confronting her with her sin, so that she could eventually be saved. Another clue: Its embedded in the language. I never use the materials exactly as they stand, but theyre absolutely invaluable as starters. They said to the woman, Now we believe, 5 So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Just like with Nic. Listen: Youll never know the joy of this abundant life Jesus promises until you experience him for yourself. Women drew their water in the cool of the morning or late afternoon. Did I mention that the story is about reconciliation? It is interesting that Jesus uses this term, the gift of God to describe salvation. The Living Well Collective seeks to make health simple. 4 But He needed to go through Samaria. WHERE IS YOUR BUCKET Having trouble logging into your account? But, receiving is not a destination. read more. The people listened to the Whore of Sychar What Now, Hey Traditional Church Pastor, Dont Settle for Relational Width, Martyn Lloyd-Jones: I am not surprised by the sin in the world . 1. But youll never truly be at one with others until you are one in Christ. The story of the woman at the well is one of the most well known in the Bible; many Christians can easily give a summary of it. But before she could have that opportunity, she had to face a problem first and some of you here today need to face up to the same thing: Jesus actually brought up the problem she faced, because He knew it was important: her sin separated her from the opportunity God had for her to receive eternal life. Samaria was a dessert town and the heat of the day was not the time to be filling up the jars of water. In the name of God: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I am writing a paper now comparing the real story of the WatW and Jesuss story about the Good Samaritan. Today let us expand on Breaking The Cycle but using another perspective - The Woman AT The Well. One day he overhead some people talking about their faith in Jesus, and he was listening to them. Anglican. (Leon Morris, The Gospel according to John, pp. #1 Sermon: John 20:19-31. . They too were shocked to find him speaking to a woman. Yet Jesus still met her! I almost feared the settling, or I feared missing out on something. On its surface, the story chronicles ethnic prejudice and a woman shunned by her community. Indeed he is the only way to a well-filled life. God does care about our sins; He is a holy God, who cannot abide sin in His presence. Thank you for reading and sharing, Roy. But it didnt. ) , Jesus answered her, If you knew the gift of God, Jesus is a Jew and the woman is a Samaritan. Here is this woman, seemingly ready to receive eternal life, and He has to say this? Went back into town with something else. read more, Scripture: Here this woman was, with the opportunity to receive eternal life and she wanted it! "The Woman at the Well Bible Story Study Guide." If you drink of me. but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him This is perhaps the point that gets me the most pumped up. Finding balance in the imbalance of life, building out your story from a place of abundance over lack, and finding joy in the pursuit of growth. It would have been easy for her to leave. The man was Jesus. And He knows your purpose too. (John 4:26, ESV), As the woman began to grasp the reality of her encounter with Jesus, the disciples returned. (John 4:1-42). Intellectual assent says that you believe a fact about something; saving faith really trusts it for yourself. One commentator reflected that this is a text (John 4:6). There are so many stories like that in the Bible that show us how God cares for the least of us: He cares about the servant of the enemy; He cares about the rough Samaritan woman; He cares about a guilty thief who was being justly punished on the cross; He cares about an outcast servant woman who was about to die in the desert and on and on. Why? We will go on a search for what does!. But choosing to live filled, to receive His filling daily allows that to overflow into all aspects of your life. Zavada, Jack. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. Check out these helpful resources She needs healing, and needs to be reconciled to her community. And Jesus said: I who speak to you am He. In other words, Jesus is the answer to the problem we face in our sins. You have blessed me with this word and I will share it. First, Jesus was crucified. You can know that your sins are forgiven, and that you are going to live in heaven forever. She said, Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. When the woman believed, she immediately ran off to tell others. He was sitting by the well asking for a drink. Could this be the Christ? They came out of the town and made their way toward him (vv. Free Access to Sermons on Woman At Well, Church Sermons, Illustrations on Woman At Well, and Preaching Slides on Woman At Well. For far too long, the woman at the well had been looking for a man who could fulfill the longing in her soul. She knew travelers(men) would be around that time looking for water. It was back in the days before they went their separate ways, pointing their fingers at each other and accusing each other of infidelity. The poem is written as if the Samaritan woman is casting her mind back over some time to that day when she met Jesus. What if you sit in his presence? John 4:7-42, Denomination: But the Samaritan woman came alone at noon. He died on the cross to pay for your sins, so that if you would repent of your sin, and trust Him, He will be your Lord & Savior today! Picture # 4: The Samaritan woman at Jacobs well is a picture of a rational sinner who can come to Christ as a new creation. United Methodist. This womans sin was the problem (as is ours) but what was the solution? The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. The woman said to him, Sir, give me this water so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water.. YES! Will definitely use some of this in Bible studies, with attribution of course. Id like to tell it again this morning in a way that may surprise you. Some believe God shakes in his boots when they come around. As I embark on a journey to strengthen my walk with God, I found myself here. Jesus had been preaching in Judea, and His ministry was proving to be even more successful than John the Baptists. In the Old Testament, this was where Jacob first met Rachel. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.' Jacobs well was there, and so Jesus, wearied as he was with his journey, sat down beside the well. Let us know if there is anything we can help you with! We are so glad this article was meaningful to you. That is the same opportunity this woman had. She was a social outcast. The other was a man. 2) On top of that, she was a woman of Samaria the hated step-children of the Jewish race. (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. This is the difference we have been talking about over the past couple of weeks, between intellectual assent, and saving faith. I am ready to continue my purpose in this world i will continue reading here as well . He can forgive you. The human tendency is to judge others because of stereotypes, customs, or prejudices. This morning, we sit down at the foot of Jacobs Well. And he had to pass through Samaria. Perhaps you had faith enough to receive salvation, but youre struggling to have faith enough to advance it. Can this be the Christ? (John 4:29), At this point theres a break in the story as Jesus confers with his disciples. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Are you struggling with a lack of libido? Where do you get that living water? John says. John 4:1-42, Denomination: Thanks for sticking around. She said, Sir, give me this water, so that I dont get thirsty, neither come all the way here to draw. (John 4:15). Come back to him daily, for he is the living well, and He alone allows you to live well. My hope is itll speak to you in a fresh, new way. 2. She has no clue. read more, Denomination: To save items to a SermonFolder, please sign in to your account. But she did this. Or maybe what I feared most was actually being happy. What would you like to know! This is my answer. Jesus ministry to the Woman at the Well shows how to bring the message of Gods healing love to individuals; his efforts in Samaria changed a life, then Samaria, then Ephesus and resonates today in every nation where the Gospel is preached. The people we call the Samaritans came into being when the Northern Kingdom of Israel had been carried off into captivity (like we have been talking about on Wednesday nights) and the Assyrians took some foreigners and settled them in the land. In your mind, you may know the fact that Jesus died for everyone or that Jesus can save you. But lets read the verse, so you know what Im talking about: So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people, Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. 26:51). John goes on: So he came to a city of Samaria, called Sychar, I was writing about the woman at the well and had a lot of feelings that were described by you and I could relate to you in my Brokenness. He stayed there two days. Coming to faith in Jesus is a process and the woman at the well experienced all the phases of that process. Some may say, well, He didnt want her to be saved without her husband, He wanted them both to be saved together. If He cared about them, you can know He cares about you. Amen. The first lesson that we can take from the woman at the well is that she was looking for love in all the wrong places. John 4:5 Eventually he came to the Samaritan village of Sychar, near the field There are many similarities between water and Gods gift of salvation: 1. Whether its a matter of conflict in the home, church, community, nation or the world, were called to be reconciled to God and each other, and theres only one way thats possible and thats in Christ. We are to put our faith in Him. I just began learning about god and found this article so profound. travel basketball teams in palm beach county, newfoundland great pyrenees mix size, twilight wedding packages scotland,

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woman at the well sermon outline