nervous for 20 week scan mumsnet

All you need to know is that the protocol encourages use of a special chart for your unborn baby, designed around you and your personal situation, opposed to a one-size-fits-all approach used in the past. She did put the doppler on me and as soon as she placed it - POW - a kick and then another and then she switched sides and got the heartbeat. Yay! As Professor Basky Thilganathan, a Consultant Obstetrician and spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), explains to MFM: "Theyre not [technically] measuring growth. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). Has anyone been told the sex incorrectly at their 20 week scan? Not every NHS hospital will use the software that creates these charts yet, but lots will, and hopefully, more will soon. :x. I was super nervous before my anatomy scan too. Add message. Nigel adds: "I think that anyone coming into scans needs to have them properly explained to them and the results explained. "Your midwife will measure your bump and if it is smaller than expected, they may recommend a growth scan. Hugs xxx, Hi Rebecca. That said, yes, you can book a private scan at any point during your pregnancy. Don't forget: your caregivers should be giving you info you can understand, not confusing you. Told gender at 12 week scan! Xx. Yes there! I worry constantly and its not in my nature to worry really. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Good luck! Here, we explain what a growth scan looks at, why you might be asked to have one, if youll have more than one, and what all this means for you and your baby. I had a scan at 9+4 and was terrified but that soon went away. I'm 21 weeks and I'm unsure if I've felt movement. Growth scans in pregnancy are done to monitor your babys health inside the womb, and check they're around the right size for their gestational age. My parents will be in town for our 20 week scan so of course I feel more pressure, like what if something went wrong?! Note: you should factor in typical hospital wait times, as well (you know your local hospital better than we do!). Try not to worry as stressing yourself out is the worst thing u can, easier said than done I know, good luck. At our 20 week scan she also had spine and brain queries and they initially thought it could be Edwards syndrome. Try to stay calm, worrying does nothing, and I hope everything is fine. The waiting and the unknown is the worst. I was super nervous too about having mine!! Good luck ladies! My daughter had a lot of health issues last year before and after she was born and she ended up passing away at 2 months, so I am very fearful that something could be wrong with this baby. With my first baby, my now 5 year old son, we found out that he had a cleft lip/palate at my anatomy scan so going through that has opened my eyes that something could potentially be wrong and it is terrifying. They'll only be scheduled in if doctors want to be reassured that any symptoms, concerns about baby's movements or risk factors aren't affecting your baby's health. I'm so glad you guys feel this way too! I've just had a nice relaxing bath with my little bump poking out the water and just had another little cry. Very nervous too. Nigel Thomson, Professional Officer (Ultrasound) for the Society of Radiographers (SoR) stresses that NHS growth scans are always done for a reason - you don't need one unless you're told you do. In fact, this is a high-priority area for NHS England, says Nigel. I always get nervous before them, but for some reason this time was worse. Glitterbug09 says: "My SIL was told she was measuring small to begin with and then she was told that her measurements were spot on. (: I always get nervous before OB appointments. I had an appointment with my midwife his morning and she said I might not feel anything noticeable until week 20 and that my partner might not feel anything external until week 25. When I asked about cleft palette she said she was not able to answer that and she for plenty of pics for dr so we should be good. At our 20 week scan she also had spine and brain queries and they initially thought it could be Edwards syndrome. Good luck to all of you ladies who are still patiently waiting!! I am really nervous too. A growth scan will take anywhere between 10 minutes to 30 minutes, depending on your babys position at the time of the scan. I'm absolutely bricking it about my 12 week scan tomorrow. Im now 28 weeks and it has spoilt the whole pregnancy. Good luck x. I think its quite normal to feel this way, I know I did with my 1st two, I was convinced it would all end up being a false alarm or I'd have mc, but they both turned out fine. My dr said if the date changes over 10 days than they will change the due date. I never imagined I'd be like this at all. I feel my son pretty regularly and I hadn't until about 19 weeks.. "A woman may present during the pregnancy with some symptoms, for example, they most commonly have: "These are things that occur unexpectedly during the pregnancy, where it is important for us to know that the baby is well and therefore a scan would be arranged," explains Professor Basky. In this case, youll be having 2 growth scans during the later stage of pregnancy, as it can be tricky to do a clinic assessment. I don't see ds when I look at her I just see our beautiful English Rose. When he was born he did have club feet but not to the extent they had said at the scans. You never know! Either way, I'm happy if she does have it, it is fixable but no one wants there baby to have to go through tons of surgeries as soon add they arrive:( my husband thinks I'm crazy with how much I worry but I can't help it! Seeing that helped because I thought I had been feeling things, but it was nice to get the confirmation that I was in fact feeling him since he's such a mover. But trust me, when you see your baby on that screen tomorrow with it's little heart beating away it's the best feeling ever!! Not long to wait now. I feel like I still am a little. I can't private message back I don't no why. Im 18w 2d and havent felt amything either but same thing, lot of aches, staying positive tho! Hi Rebecca, i just want to share part of my aunts story with you. I'm so anxious, I keep trying to tell myself statistically everything is fine . Thanks for all the replies, I feel a little more "in control" if that makes sense! Maybe gas maybe baby? That's why you might've heard them called '3rd trimester scans'. Im terrified beyond belief! I have no reason to think it's not. 12/10/2021 16:51. WTF is going on! Docs dont think they need to keep an extra eye on things - as everything appears healthy, and you're not prone to any risk factors. My baby's dad had club foot (severe both feet) as a baby. During a standard growth scan, there are 4 or 5 things that will be looked at - according to Nigel: If you need other checks, they'll be done during the scan, too. I'm glad yours went well! It might also take 10 or so minutes for any results to be written up and shared with you. Theyre being done to reassure the woman, and the doctor, that everythings OK.". Here, we explain how they work and what they mean for you plus what it means if your scan is at 28 weeks, 34 weeks, or 38 weeks. I wish I could go back and tell me just how alright everything was going to be. WHAT WERE YOUR BABY'S MEASUREMENTS AT 20 WEEKS? Hi. I'm glad I'm not alone in this then! Good luck! Been crying all day, depressed, taking it out on my OH when I should be so excited, but I'm really convinced there's going to be no heartbeat/no baby at all. There is a reason why the scan is being done and therefore women really should ask: why do I need the scan? potentially, if there is a BIG difference in your height to your partner's height (e.g. Super nervous. Measurements might be a tiny bit off, too, as they're indicators. I hope everyone's scans go perfectly!!! How accurate?? He says you could have anywhere from 2 to up to 8 or 9 scans. I'm another FTM and I'm so worried about my scan. ABDOMINAL CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENT AT 20 WEEK SCAN, Has anyone been told the wrong sex at 20 week scan? SoR's Nigel also advises you make sure you're being scanned by someone who's properly qualified, and can interpret the results correctly. I have another scan next Thursday I think that's for the Down syndrome testing. Please do tell us your story in the comments below! At that appointment, we saw that our little man is a tumbler and loves to move a TON. Once youre done, you may find thats the only growth scan you need. There's no point telling you to think positive so I'll do it for you! "Its a way for us to screen out, pick up, the few babies that may have a problem. I can't wait to see its tiny body again and find out if boy/girl. Been crying all day, depressed, taking it out on my OH when I should be so excited, but I'm really convinced there's going to be no heartbeat/no baby at all. 06/01/2014 19:24. We know a fair few mums whove had growth scans at around 28 weeks often its because their bump is measuring small. 5'2" and the other is extremely tall, e.g. I don't know why I just have a really strong feeling. I'm 2.5w away from my 2nd A/S (baby was lazy so they couldn't get all the necessary photos the first time) - not that I'm counting, I'm 20 weeks today and can't feel any movement. We were offered test but I declined. My 20 week scan is tomorrow morning actually! Reasons you may have an NHS growth scan include: You'll also be asked to come in for a scan as-and-when, based on the presentation of certain symptoms, according to Professor Basky. I don't know why I just have a really strong feeling. xx, Your symptoms fading is normal for your dates and tummy ache is probably all the worrying. I'm a FTM and the feeling is incredible. At the Amnio she measured a full week behind and today at my midwives appt I had a fundal height of 24 cms! Will I be referred [on to the NHS]? 09/01/2019 19:22, Glad your scans went well, I've got 4 weeks until mine but I'm already nervous. Chances are everything will be perfect! I'm sure your little angel is just perfect!!! It's our first baby, and I think what's making me feel worse is that I barely have any bump yet and I've still not felt any movement. July 7th is my anatomy scan. The experts we've spoken to disagree on this one though - so we reckon it's on a case-by-case basis! I know little one is probably growing a lot which is causing the uncomfyness but just feeling nervous still. I don't feel worried about tomorrow although I know stuff might show up but I feel he or she kicking about all the time now so I know they are ok in there! My aunt said they initially told her that the baby only had one leg and then after a more detailed scan they said he did have two but he had very bad club feet.

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nervous for 20 week scan mumsnet